Friday, November 1, 2013

Words for Today

I am ready to write again.
I sit here, wanting to take everything that is inside of me and spill it onto the keyboard so that it fills up this page.  But I don't know what will come.  I don't know where my thoughts will take me tonight.
Tonight as I remember my husband, whom I miss, but I celebrate that he has entered eternity with our risen Lord.  Tonight, as I sit and reflect on the past, he sits at the throne singing praises to our God. 
I will join him, I will lift up my voice.  I will place my hope and trust in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  My faith is nothing.  My nothing.  It means nothing if the divine did not come to earth and take on human flesh.  It means nothing if he didn't offer himself up as the perfect atoning sacrifice. 
My faith is nothing, but a gift from God.  It is weak and shaky, only held firm by His faithfulness.
I do not grieve as others grieve.  I trust that my love is living a fuller life than I am at this moment.
I also trust God.  I do not trust Him because of my strength...I trust Him because of His, and His goodness, and His mercy. 
I trust His promise to me in Jeremiah 29:11, that He has plans for me, He offers me hope and a future.  And I must remember verses 12 and 13 as well, I need to continually seek His face.  I get distracted, but He welcomes me back, and when I seek Him, He meets me.

(sigh)  What a blessing to fear the Lord.

What is to come for me?  I want to know.  I want to see the path before it is revealed.  But what I'm learning is to trust God right now.  Trust Him with this day.