Mount Everest has a height of 29,002 feet. By the start of the 2007 climbing season there had been a reported 3,679 climbs to the summit of this great peak. At the same time there are a reported 210 lives that have been lost in attempts to reach that awesome summit. There are few mountains that are as respected and sought after as Everest. Every climber knows the risks. Every climber knows the sacrifice and still they climb, pressing on toward that mythical peak. Every climber dreams of the glory that accompanies a successful climb, and every climber dreads the fatal consequences of failure.
In this life we are all faced with an Everest. We all have risks that we need to take to succeed in business or family or life or faith or relationships, and all of us dream of successfully scaling those summits and all of us fear failure. I think a lot about this new church that Kristin and I have been blessed to be a part of, most of the time I think of the name: The Summit. I think that there are times in every person’s life when we are on “The” summit. We meet that special someone and for days or weeks or months we are on this relational high where nothing can touch us; the summit of relationship. We get that raise that we have been dreaming of, or our first child is born, or we figure out what we were meant to do in this life, or how to help someone or how to help ourselves and all of these things bring us to a summit. But I know that in this life we were all made to worship God, the one who made us. We were all designed with a gift or ability that the bible tells us to use for His sake; and I think when we really start searching for that summit, the one that will make us feel like we belong or that we have arrived or that we are loved, we will be lead to a place where we can worship our Creator the way we were made to. So when I think about our new church and the name that the leadership has decided to give it I think of Everest. I think of reaching the highest point I possibly can, or attaining the Summit of life, and I rejoice that this church exists. I rejoice that every Sunday we gather together, a group of imperfect humans who are weak and tired and stressed out; and we can be lead to the Summit, to the peak of worship, to the Throne Room of God, to the feet of Jesus. Only when we hit our knees, when we fall on our faces before God, only then can we reach the summit in this life, in this fallen world. Only then can we really see the world around us.
I imagine the view from the summit of Everest as being simply breathtaking. I imagine that you could see for miles and miles and that eternity wouldn’t seem so far away. When we humble ourselves before our Lord and Savior, when we are at His feet, when we are raising our hands to worship Him; that is when the view will take our breath away. And that view, from THE Summit, will erase the panoramic view from the peak of Everest from our memories forever!
In this life we are all faced with an Everest. We all have risks that we need to take to succeed in business or family or life or faith or relationships, and all of us dream of successfully scaling those summits and all of us fear failure. I think a lot about this new church that Kristin and I have been blessed to be a part of, most of the time I think of the name: The Summit. I think that there are times in every person’s life when we are on “The” summit. We meet that special someone and for days or weeks or months we are on this relational high where nothing can touch us; the summit of relationship. We get that raise that we have been dreaming of, or our first child is born, or we figure out what we were meant to do in this life, or how to help someone or how to help ourselves and all of these things bring us to a summit. But I know that in this life we were all made to worship God, the one who made us. We were all designed with a gift or ability that the bible tells us to use for His sake; and I think when we really start searching for that summit, the one that will make us feel like we belong or that we have arrived or that we are loved, we will be lead to a place where we can worship our Creator the way we were made to. So when I think about our new church and the name that the leadership has decided to give it I think of Everest. I think of reaching the highest point I possibly can, or attaining the Summit of life, and I rejoice that this church exists. I rejoice that every Sunday we gather together, a group of imperfect humans who are weak and tired and stressed out; and we can be lead to the Summit, to the peak of worship, to the Throne Room of God, to the feet of Jesus. Only when we hit our knees, when we fall on our faces before God, only then can we reach the summit in this life, in this fallen world. Only then can we really see the world around us.
I imagine the view from the summit of Everest as being simply breathtaking. I imagine that you could see for miles and miles and that eternity wouldn’t seem so far away. When we humble ourselves before our Lord and Savior, when we are at His feet, when we are raising our hands to worship Him; that is when the view will take our breath away. And that view, from THE Summit, will erase the panoramic view from the peak of Everest from our memories forever!
-Joshua Mott
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