Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homeschooling kindergarten

i was looking up the areas of study for Kindergarten and i wanted to share what i found and ask, once again for input. i know that i have many friends who homeschool, or who have are teachers, I really do want your input (whatever it may be) to help me as I am exploring the world of homeschooling. i am new to this. There are a couple homeschool groups that i'm connected to, since my kids are still preschool aged I'm just trying to learn from others.

this is what I found reguarding areas of study for Kindergarten:
Social Studies
-meanings of holidays, traditions, and customs
-understanding and appreciating other cultures
-individual's roles in family, home, school and community
-relationship of the individual to the group
-work and jobs
-safety rules and symbols
-basic human needs
-self-respect and self-awareess
-awareness of others
-location of home and school
-diagram of home and school
-observation of everyday, familiar things
-common animals and plants
-interrelationships of animals and plants
-classification of living things
-farm animals
-care of pets
-like and unlike plants
-indoor plants
-the sun: our principal source of energy
-weather and seasons
-earth, moon, stars, planets
-simple measurements
-beginning experimentation
Language Arts
-Choral reading
-listening to literature, music and poetry
-nursery rhymes, fairy tales, fables
-social listening
-constructing visual images while listening
-oral communication skills
-role play
-following and giving directions
-paraphrasing and summarizing
-organizing ideas
-experience stories
-relating events and experiences using complete sentences
-listening for correct speech habits and word usage
-beginning writing process
-manuscript handwriting
Health and Safety
- personal hygiene
-good eating habits
-good grooming
-care of teeth
-major body parts
-physical fitness
-safety to and from school
-Simple counting to 20
-one to one relationship
-concept of more, less than and same
-sequence of events
-correspondence of quantities
-ordinal-cardinal relationship
-number-numeral relationship
-recognition of basic sets
-meaning of addition and subtraction
-introduction to number line
-elementary geometry (shapes)
-calendar and clock
-denominations of money
-basic problem-solving strategies
-basic chart and graph concepts

So this is what I found, ANY INPUT IS WANTED! after reading this I'm thinking that we have already started kindergarten.
Also, for those of you who have homeschooled how do you track your time?

1 comment:

Mott's World said...

if you couldn't figure it out...this was an accidental post. Kristin didn't know she was logged in as me...oops.