Friday, December 17, 2010

Did you ever have a touch to lose - Inhale Exhale

"I swear I've done this before
Oh so familiar is this mess that I'm in.
I once knew.
Now memories escape and people meet their fate.
This says the man walking out on his wife: "And now the whole world knows."
This says the kid with the rope around his neck: "And now they all will know."
And can't you see that there's still hope, and don't you drown in what the world has told you...
Now I know that I've been here before.
It's the feeling of defeat when it finally sinks in.
I feel so desperate.
The barrier is so thick.
Can I get through to you?
"Will I ever learn from this second chance?" says the man who was dropping his pants.
"Do I really deserve to live?" says that kid who was slitting his wrists.
And can't you see that there is still hope, and don't you drown in what the world has told you...
I once saw.
But now I am exhausted from this mess, from this mess."

Thursday, December 16, 2010


just wanted yo put something new on here.
finals done.

Friday, December 3, 2010

One more thing...

I just wanted to ammend the previous post...I totally love most of my professors, and most of the faculty and staff here are great. They are friendly and helpful to me!
I guess that is all, I just wanted to make sure that everyone who has read my previous post and any JBC faculty/staff that may be reading understand that I respect and appreciate the staff and faculty here at JBC.
That is all.

Well I thought...

I thought that as Christ Followers we were supposed to have some compassion.
I thought that we were supposed to be the people who hold each other up when times are tough.

Don't worry, I am not talking about you! All of our friends have been wonderful...and we love you all. You have shown amazing amounts of compassion and you have been great at holding us up these past few months.

I am referring to the faculty of this school. I appealed the faculty and staff to show me some grace regarding my absences and was sure that because of all that has gone on I would be okay. However, I just got the results back and their ruling was that my appeal was "Partially approved". They did not see how my seizure activity and all of my Dr's appointments were reason enough for the excess absences I have had in one of my classes.

The two classes that I have missed the most are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These are the days that most of my Dr visits have been scheduled on for some strange reason. So these classes have been missed the most. The later of the two classes was missed more, many times I will have either seizures or symptoms of coming seizures later in the day and would go home early or not attend that class. So they decided that I would not be excused in this class and would receive a grade of WX (this means that I have been withdrawn from the class and will receive a grade of F...with one week left in the semester!). The wording on their letter was as follows: "Overall, the faculty members were disappointed in the number of unexplained personal absences."
Well...that is just dandy.

I don't know what else to say...I guess I will just take the class again or take some other Bible elective in the future.
That is all for now.